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Global Teleports Joins Urban Broadband Fund’s Connection Vouchers Scheme

By Rachel Scharmann | June 27, 2014
Vip3Play global teleport

Infographic for Global Teleports’ Vip3Play service. Photo: Global Teleports

[Via Satellite 06-27-2014] Global Teleports successfully registered for the United Kingdom government-run Urban Broadband Fund’s Connection Vouchers Scheme, a program to help create “SuperConnected Cities” across the United Kingdom. This program allows customers in the cities covered to receive funding for the cost of broadband installation. The Connection Vouchers Scheme covers more than 20 cities in the U.K., including Bristol, Cardiff, Cambridge and Oxford.

Global Teleports’ broadband service, Vip3Play, once installed, costs around $22 per month and covers 100 percent of the United Kingdom. The service delivers data, voice and video services to both domestic and enterprise customers. Installation does not require additional personnel with technical experience, and needs only the manufacturer’s Point and Play device. The service reaches speeds up to 45 Mbps for enterprise users and 20 Mbps for domestic users.