Contribute to Via Satellite

Interested in contributing to Via Satellite? Please review our submission guidelines before contacting us with a pitch:

  1. Target length is 700-800 words.
  2. Column must be exclusive to Via Satellite. We ask that authors not publish columns in other space or satellite publications for one month before and after publication in Via Satellite. One week for company/association blogs.
  3. We put a high value on pointed columns that deal with a specific issue or pain point. Bonus points for staking out a controversial argument.
  4. No self-promotion, an editorial column isn’t marketing copy.
  5. Referencing op-eds or articles from other publications is fine, but please do not build your column around something that appeared elsewhere.
  6. We’re looking for high-level thought leadership and authenticity. If at the end of the column, we feel like we’ve just been (sales) pitched, we will pass.

If this all looks good to you, please contact us at [email protected] with your topic idea and your credentials to start a discussion about possibly contributing to our publication.