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Comsat Mobile Communications Introduces Free Direct Internet Access Service
Comsat Mobile Communications (CMC) said it has launched a new service for ship management, energy exploration companies and government agencies – Direct Internet Access — which eliminates the need to use Internet service providers.
Users in these sectors will be able connect directly to the Internet for Web browsing and file transfers and to their e-mail providers for e-mail.
Furthermore, Comsat said Direct Internet Access will be free, with no monthly subscription fees or start-up costs, to customers using Comsat A, B, M, Mini-M and Mobile ISDN services. The new service does not require customized software, and users will not have to download unsolicited, time-consuming advertising.
However, the service is limited to maritime and land mobile users; the technology cannot be used in aeronautical mobile communications, a CMC spokesman said. The company said it has extensively tested Direct Internet Access with companies in the target industries.
Users will be billed only for their satellite airtime, which will be billed according to their established service and rate plan, CMC said. Comsat Direct Access “is designed to save time and reduce the costs associated with long log-on periods,” the company explained.
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