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Report: Six-Times More Smallsats Will Launch in the Next Decade

By Jeffrey Hill | August 6, 2018
space debris LEO Earth

Photo: ESA

Euroconsult expects about 7,000 new smallsats to be launched over the next 10 years, representing a six-fold increase from the 1,200 units launched over the past decade. Spacecraft from 50 constellations and two mega constellations account for more than 80 percent of the 7,000 smallsats, according to the analyst firm’s latest report.

The research highlights smallsat operators’ critical need for affordable, available launch services. Smallsat-dedicated launch services are expected to generate $16 billion during the next ten years. Euroconsult also valued the 7,000 smallsats at $38 billion for satellite manufacturing and launch, almost a quintupling decade-to-decade.

“By 2022, an average of 580 smallsats will be launched every year as a result of initial constellation deployment. This compares to an annual average of 190 satellites launched over the past five years. The average will then jump to 850 satellites per year on subsequent years up to 2027 because of the deployment of one mega constellation,” Euroconsult Senior Consultant Maxime Puteaux wrote in the report.