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Amos 4 coverage map over Nepal. Photo: Spacecom.
Spacecom announced that Nepal’s Dish Media Network has furthered its long-term connection on the Amos 4 satellite with a contract for more capacity. Amos 4, from its 65 degrees East prime orbital position, provides an array of satellite services to customers from South Asia to East Africa.
Dish Media Network owns Direct-to-Home (DTH) operator Dishhome, whose distribution network covers all of Nepal. With substantial satellite capacity on Amos 4, Dishhome will expand service offerings, adding more High Definition (HD) channels and bringing Ultra-HD to viewers. Dishhome’s capacity on Amos 4 is contracted for the satellite’s lifetime.
Amos 4 carries eight Ku-band transponders of 108 MHz and four high-power Ka-band transponders of 216MHz, each with steerable beams, for Asian, African and Middle Eastern broadcasters and telecom providers. Offering a range of cross-region, cross-band and cross-beam connectivity options, the satellite provides broadcast and broadband satellite services capabilities including DTH, Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS), video distribution, Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) communications and broadband internet.
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