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[12-07-07 – Satellite Today] Ondas Media has issued an authorization to proceed to Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) for a satellite to provide radio services across Europe, Ondas announced Dec. 7.
The agreement enables SS/L to begin work on developing an S-band satellite infrastructure while allowing the teams to refine the final contract parameters.
“Space Systems/Loral is the only commercial supplier of highly elliptical orbit satellites in the market place and is currently building next generation satellites for both XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio,” Jacinto Palacios, CEO of Ondas, said in a statement. “ In addition to this experience, we were pleased with the company’s ability to meet our cost and schedule requirements.”
The use of S-band will allow Ondas to deliver its programming to listeners via “smaller antennas which can be integrated into vehicle design more easily,” Dave Krueger, COO of Ondas, said.
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