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Swarm Looks for FCC Approval for Further Launches

By Helen Jameson | June 18, 2018

Swarm Technologies, the start-up that launched four satellites illegally in January, has filed a new application to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to gain permission to launch a further three satellites despite no decision from the body on how their first indiscretion will be dealt with.

The company has requested that it be permitted to launch three of its SpaceBee satellites as a technology demonstration of its satellite-based communications network for potential customers. The company has secured a launch aboard a SpaceX rocket that is slated for launch later this year from Vandenberg Air Force Base.

The FCC is still making a decision on whether Swarm should be penalized for its previous, unauthorized launch which was originally denied after the FCC demonstrated concerns about how the spacecraft could be tracked and the potential for on-orbit collisions.

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