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This week’s Thursday Morning Conversation (TMC) goes back to France to talk one of the most exciting new companies in the European space sector. We talk to ThrustMe CEO and Founder, Ane Aanesland. There are not many conversations where you mix talking propulsion systems and favorite Queen songs. But yet again — Via Satellite’s TMC breaks new ground as we talk all things propulsion and Queen, a pretty neat combination. And while the company might be “Under Pressure” (sorry, couldn’t resist) to succeed, Aanesland is confident the company’s propulsion technology can make a significant impact. A recent deal with the European Space Agency (ESA) to demonstrate the world’s first iodine electric propulsion system in space is a sign of interest in this technology.

Via Satellite’s Thursday Morning Conversations are the newest way to learn about the latest news in the satellite industry. From interviews with industry leaders and discussions with newcomers in space and satellite to debates among Via Satellite staff and chats about the latest in sports and pop culture, TMC will be your go-to for a Thursday morning respite. Grab a coffee, sit back, and listen in every Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. ET for the latest segment. You can find the videos on the Via Satellite Facebook pageLinkedIn pageTwitter page, or right here on

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