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North Korean Satellite Appears to be Out of Control
Tags: North Korea, Satellite Launch, Weather Satellite, Satellite Collision, Debris
Publication Date: 12/13/2012
Screen shot of’s North Korean satellite tracking map
Image credit: Google/
Less than 24 hours after North Korea’s successful satellite launch, reports suggest that the spacecraft could be “tumbling out of control.” According to South Korean officials, the North’s satellite is in orbit but it hasn’t been determined yet if it’s working properly.
North Korea has said it is a weather satellite on a polar orbit, traveling the same direction as an Earth meridian. However, reports indicate that U.S. officials have not yet determined if it is in fact a satellite but apparently the object is not following a steady orbit.
This could be very bad news for the international satellite industry because it raises the possibilities of a collision with other functioning spacecraft. Additionally, if a collision does occur, the resulting debris could put more satellites in danger.
The website has set up an interactive map to track North Korea’s satellite path in real time.
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