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Twiston Davies Receives CASBAA Chairman Award
Satellite TODAY 10-31-12] CASBAA CEO Simon Twiston Davies was honored with the annual CASBAA Chairman’s Award at the CASBAA Convention 2012 in Hong Kong, the association announced Oct. 31.
Twiston Davies is set to resign from his role Dec. 31 and will be replaced by a new by in-coming CEO Christopher Slaughter and a new management team. He has served as CASBAA CEO since 2000 and said he was greatly honored by the Award.
"Under Twiston Davies’ management CASBAA has become a central industry voice for the multichannel TV industry across 18 Asia Pacific markets running from Japan to Pakistan; China to Australasia and beyond," CASBAA Chairman Marcel Fenez said in a statement. "Most importantly, CASBAA has become the ‘Go To’ industry body in Asia if you are a serious multichannel TV player, or want to be one. That is Twiston Davies’ most notable contribution."
According to Fenez, Twiston Davies worked diligently to highlight the value of the multichannel TV industry, as well as more than doubled the number of participating CASBAA companies to today’s 130 members.
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