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[Satellite TODAY 10-20-09] Satcom Direct added new features to its FlightDeck Freedom (FDF) service, the company announced Oct. 19.

The features include compatibility with most aircraft datalink avionics, integration with Satcom Direct’s new flight tracking solution and compatibility with more flight planning systems including Air Routing International,, Jeppesen, and Universal Weather.

FDF supports flight deck communications via Inmarsat, Iridium, and SITA VHF and transmits data to the flight crew, including pre-departure clearances, digital ATIS, oceanic clearances, current airport weather, graphical weather and flight plan routes. Flight crews also have direct access to cabin and satellite network monitoring and performance tools while en route.

FDF is offered at a fixed annual fee per aircraft.

Inmarsat Completes Acquisition of Stratos, Signs New Distribution Agreements   Satellite Today   April 16, 2009
[Satellite Today 04-16-09] Inmarsat completed the acquisition of Stratos Global Corp. following approval by the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and the Canadian Minister of Industry, Inmarsat announced April 15. Stratos will become a…


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