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[Satellite Today 10-09-09] Measat Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd. signed an agreement with UTV Entertainment Television Ltd. for capacity on Measat-3a, the satellite operator announced Oct. 8.

            The capacity will be used to distribute UTV Movies, which is distributed by UTV Global Broadcasting Ltd., the broadcasting arm of UTV. The location of Measat-3a at at 91.5 degrees East allows UTV Movies to be distributed to 110 countries, Measat said.

            “We are pleased to announce our association with Measat as part of our growth plans in the international arena. We hope to optimize on the synergies between our content and Measat’s expertise in the satellite broadcasting space,” Sameer Ganapathy, senior vice president – Distribution, UTV Global Broadcasting, said in a statement.

EMP and Measat Sign Occasional Use Services Deal   Satellite Today   October 6, 2009
[Satellite TODAY 10-06-09] Europe Media Port (EMP) and Measat Satellite Systems signed a deal to bring enhanced satellite connectivity between Europe and Asia, the companies announced Oct. 5. Under the agreement, the companies will offer…

Measat-3a Enters Service   Satellite Today   July 20, 2009
[Satellite Today 07-20-09] The Measat-3a satellite has completed in-orbit testing and entered full commercial service, Measat Satellite Systems announced July 17. Launched June 22, the satellite was handed over from Orbital Sciences Corp., its…

Maxis Renews Measat-3 Multi-Transponder Lease   Satellite Today   July 3, 2009
[Satellite Today 07-03-09] Measat Satellite Systems has reached an agreement with Maxis Communications, a Malaysian mobile telecommunications operator serving more than 30 million customers, to renew its long-term multiple transponder lease for…

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