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NASA requested suggestions on how to organize documents from from spaceflight pioneer Wernher von Braun into an electronic, searchable database or other system.

The space agency would welcome thoughts from the public, academia, and industry.

Von Braun was the first director of Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., and a key figure in developing the Saturn V rocket and the Apollo moon landing program. NASA has a full collection of "Weekly Notes" von Braun wrote during the 1960s and 1970s. These notes were used to track programmatic and institutional issues at Marshall, and are considered by many historians to be a valuable source of data.

NASA issued a request for information and is looking for concepts that will provide an innovative resource for agency engineers and scientists, as well as researchers in academia and industry.

Von Braun began his rocket career in Germany, where he led design of the V2 rocket that was used to bomb London. After World War II, he was spirited to the United States, where he was instrumental in designing the first U.S. intercontinental ballistic missiles, and later was a leading figure in developing the Saturn V rocket used in the Apollo program.

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