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[Satellite Today 06-11-09] Euroconsult, the French satellite consulting firm, forecasts that nearly 1,200 satellites will be built and launched for the period 2009-2018, an increase of about 50 percent compared to the previous decade (1999 – 2008).
    Euroconsult also forecasts that market revenues generated from the manufacturing and launch of these satellites are forecast to grow by the same rate, reaching $178 billion for the period 2009-2018, according to “Satellites to be Built & Launched by 2018, World Market Survey,” released June 8.
    “The ongoing global economic crisis will have a limited impact on the industry. Governments around the world remain committed to space technology development and only a small number of commercial satellite operators with business or financing issues will be affected by the downturn,” Rachel Villain, editor of the report and director for space & communications at Euroconsult, said in a statement.

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