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The Army gave Raytheon Co. [RTN] a $9 million contract addition for Patriot missile maintenance and facilities, bringing the total contract to $45 million thus far, with room for further increases through next year, the company announced.

The Army Aviation and Missile Command at Redstone Arsenal, Ala., provided the additional funding under a three-year contract previously awarded to Raytheon in January 2008.

In compliance with the Base Realignment and Closure transition, the contract also provides funding for Raytheon to move Patriot maintenance operations and test equipment from Red River Army Depot, Texarkana, Texas, to Letterkenny Army Depot, Chambersburg, Pa.

Work under this contract will be performed by Raytheon at the Integrated Air Defense Center, Andover, Mass.; at Raytheon Technical Services Co. in Burlington, Mass.; and at various overseas locations.

Raytheon IDS is the prime contractor for both domestic and international Patriot Air and Missile Defense Systems and systems integrator for Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missiles.

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