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ABI: GPS Systems To Reach $240 Billion By 2013
[Satellite Today – 4-30-08] By 2013, Global navigation satellite system (GNSS) end-user devices and systems will generate yearly revenues of $240 billion, according to a research study by ABI Research.
GPS handsets and in-vehicle navigation systems will remain the most lucrative markets, with industrial applications such as network timing, land surveying and machine control gaining momentum, according to “Global Navigation Satellite Positioning Solutions”, released April 28.
“The implementation of GPS technology in mobile consumer devices such as handsets and digital cameras and its indoor use pose some important challenges,” ABI Research principal analyst Dominique Bonte said in a statement. “GPS technology was designed for outdoor use and specific military applications, and its weak signals and long fix times are not well-suited to indoor environments and mobile devices such as digital cameras with their low power consumption and always-on requirements.”
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