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Pilots Use Iridium To Break World Record
[09-10-07 – Satellite Today] Two Indian Air Force pilots broke a world record using Iridium technology, the company announced Sept. 10.
The pilots, Wing Commanders Rahul Monga and Anil Kumar, flew 70,497 kilometers (43,804 miles) in 79 days using flight following and voice communications via the Iridium network. They beat the previous world record by 19 days.
“Every aircraft should have this technology on board,” Monga said. “The communication was fantastic and helped us shave days off the existing record through frequent route alterations and in-flight communications. It was also a very good flight safety aid and would have proven invaluable in any survival situation if the need had arisen.”
AeroMechannical Services Ltd. provided the tracking and communications equipment so India-based air force control officers could constantly monitor Monga and Kumar’s status.
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