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GVF Satellite Summit Slated For Sept. 29
“The $20 Billion Question: Can Satellite and Terrestrial Wireless Co-exist in C-Band?” is the topic of the Global V-Sat Forum’s Sept. 29 Satellite Summit at the University Club, 1135 16th St. NW in Washington, D.C.
From 9:30 to 11:45 a.m., hear discussion addressing how fixed and mobile satellite services are being disrupted by interference from new services such as WiMAX and broadband wireless access in extended C-band frequencies of 3.4 to 3.7 GHz; consider how the industry may be prevented from delivering users with FSS and MSS services for voice, data and video services in developed and developing countries.
Presentations will be made from the U.S. Department of Defense, NTIA, ISOG-ABU, Motorola, Intelsat and other key leaders.
To register, contact [email protected].
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