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Boeing Co. demonstrated space-based delivery of MP-3 files, a streaming video multicast and Voice over Internet protocol (IP) services in a test of the company’s approach for the Transformational Satellite Communications (TSat) program, Boeing announced Aug. 22.

A series of live tests were conducted using the digital processor aboard the Spaceway satellite owned by Hughes Network Systems LLC.

“Spaceway is the pathfinder for TSat,” John Peterson, Boeing’s TSat space segment program director, said in a statement. “The demonstrated functionality shows the network services TSat will build upon, proves the maturity of several technologies and provides an operational model of the TSat user experience. Our TSat technology test proves it can be done in the real world, not just on a test bench.”

TSat will provide the backbone of the U.S. Department of Defense‘s high-bandwidth networked communications. A Boeing-led team is competing with a team led by Lockheed Martin Corp. and Northrop Grumman Corp., for the contract, which will be awarded in 2008. The system is expected to begin operations early next decade.

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