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Intrado Inc. said that Iridium Satellite LLC selected the Intrado 9-1-1 Call Center Solution to upgrade the emergency services it offers subscribers when they dial 9-1-1 on their satellite phones. The move was done by Iridium to satisfy a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) mandate that said Mobile Satellite Service providers that offer real-time, two-way, switched voice service interconnected with the public switched network must establish call centers to which subscribers’ emergency calls are routed and then forwarded to the appropriate public safety access point by Feb. 11.

“Iridium explored developing an in-house solution,” but in the end went with Intrado to satisfy the FCC mandate, allowing Iridium to “focus on the business of providing its customers truly global satellite data and voice services,” Dannie Stamp, Iridium’s chief of operations said in a prepared statement. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed.

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