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Arianespace CEO Jean-Yves Le Gall admits the upcoming launch of the Ariane 5 ECA vehicle will be a key exclamation point for the company in 2005. Le Gall told Satellite Today, “We are preparing the next launch of the Ariane 5 ECA, which will be the biggest challenge for us at the beginning of the year. It is very important that we have a successful launch of Ariane 5 ECA. It is the single most important event for the company in 2005.”

Arianespace said late last week that the Launcher System Rehearsal for the Ariane 5 ECA heavy launcher took place on Jan. 12, as scheduled. This operation was a rehearsal for the entire launch countdown, including tests of all launcher equipment and ground facilities. The launch is planned for Feb. 11. The initial launch of the Ariane 5 ECA vehicle failed in December 2002. The vehicle has a 10-ton payload lift capacity.

An exclusive in-depth interview with Jean-Yves Le Gall can be found in the January 17 issue of Satellite News. For more information about subscribing to Access Intelligence’s satellite newsletters, check out our Web site at

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