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The Satellite Home Viewers Improvement Act (SHVIA) that allows direct broadcast satellite (DBS) services to broadcast local channels likely will be renewed but a compromise still needs to be worked out between separate House and Senate versions of the legislation.

A final version of the bill could be presented on the House floor this week but no guarantee exists that it could be approved by Friday, when Congress is scheduled to adjourn for the November election. Bob Peck, a satellite analyst with Bear Stearns, is predicting that Congress will extend the SHVIA for at least a year, and that a delay in resolving the matter this week should not impact the stocks of EchoStar Communications [DISH] and DirecTV Group [DTV] negatively. Look for further coverage of this in the Oct. 11 issue of Satellite News. If you’re not already a subscriber to Satellite News, please visit for information on how to subscribe to Access Intelligence’s satellite publications.

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