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PBI Media’s April 20 Teleconference Features Commercial Imagery Opportunities
PBI Media’s Satellite and Defense Groups invite you and your team to a 90-minute Teleconference on April 20 that will feature key developments, such as those in the news items above, facing satellite companies that provide imagery services to the public and private sectors. The outlook for commercial imagery is brighter than it has been in years, based on new orders. Join us to hear a powerhouse group of speakers address the most important challenges facing the use and financing of imagery that supports the U.S. government’s rapidly expanding national defense and homeland security initiatives.
Set aside Tuesday, April 20, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. EDT, to join us in examining current and future demand for commercial imagery. In this “teleconference” you’ll hear a distinguished panel of CEOs, as well as a representative from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency-the largest purchaser of the imagery. You won’t want to miss it. For further information, check out the following link:
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