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Tachyon Inc., which specializes in high-performance, two-way satellite connections for Internet service providers, has chosen five companies as its first resale partners.

The five ISPs are: Knoware, an ISP in The Netherlands; VariComm in the Washington, D.C., and Baltimore area; DiscoverNet in western Wisconsin; Sensory Perceptions Internet Inc. in western Kansas; and CTSnet in San Diego and Southern California.

San Diego-based Tachyon is an Internet infrastructure company that provides high-speed Internet connections that are accessed through a subscriber’s ISP or business network. It uses the capacity of geostationary satellites to deliver service to a “Tachyon Access Point,” a VSAT antenna less than one-square meter in area, transmitter and receiver and an indoor network server.

The technology to take advantage of existing satellites required two and a half years of engineering development and resulted in the filing of 20 patents by the company, according to Tachyon’s founder and President John Koehler.

The system allows reseller ISPs “to expand and upgrade customer services without lengthy waits for installing underground cable,” he said. “It also spares customer’s long- distance telephone charges in rural locations where landlines and cable modems may not be available.”

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