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Thursday Morning Conversation with iDirect’s Sridhar Kuppanna

By Mark Holmes | May 22, 2024

      Dive into the future of satellite communications with ST Engineering iDirect’s cutting-edge Intuition platform in this Thursday Morning Conversation With Sridhar Kuppanna, Senior Vice President of Engineering. Intuition is designed to meet the digitalization strategies of today’s most demanding customers, offering flexibility, efficiency, and automation. By leveraging the power of AI, cloud technology, and virtualization, Intuition enables seamless integration across multi-orbit satellite networks, ensuring that your operations are not only scalable and resilient but also primed for rapid deployment of new applications.

      Mark Holmes dives into the transformative impact of Intuition with Sridhar Kuppanna. Learn how this innovative platform is set to revolutionize the satellite communications industry, offering key capabilities such as end-to-end orchestration, standard-based solutions, and flexible deployment strategies. Whether you are looking to reduce operational costs, enhance network efficiency, or rapidly adapt to new market demands, Intuition is your gateway to a smarter, more connected future. Join us and discover how Intuition can elevate your satellite communication strategy to new heights.

      Via Satellite‘s Thursday Morning Conversations feature casual conversations with top executives and all-stars in the satellite community. In addition to what’s happening in the business of satellite, TMCs dig into what’s happening outside the office. Favorite TV show, first music concert, preferred late night snack — nothing is off the table in Thursday Morning Conversations! Catch up on all of the previous Via Satellite TMCs right here.