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LeoLabs Introduces Smallsat Commercial Satellite Tracking Service

By Annamarie Nyirady | August 5, 2019
LeoTrack example. Photo: Swarm Technologies

LeoTrack example. Photo: Swarm Technologies

LeoLabs revealed LeoTrack, a commercial satellite tracking service for smallsat and cubesat operators. LeoTrack, delivered as a web-based subscription, offers satellite operators a range of monitoring capabilities, including precision tracking of satellites, orbital state vectors, predictive radar availability, scheduled passes, and real-time orbit visualization for constellations as well as individual satellites.

LeoTrack builds on LeoLabs’ history of providing satellite and space debris tracking services for constellation operators in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO). Supporting missions ranging from advance earth observation to Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, LeoLabs already serves commercial companies such as Maxar, BlackSky, Planet, and Swarm Technologies. LeoTrack now extends that same value proposition to the entire smallsat community.

“Operators need a reliable service that delivers high-quality orbital data and the ability to demonstrate visually how their operations are managed,”said Dan Ceperley, CEO of LeoLabs. “This is precisely what LeoTrack delivers. You simply subscribe to the service, and LeoLabs does the provisioning. The key is simplicity and quality, and we believe LeoTrack exemplifies the emerging model for satellite constellation management.”