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[Satellite TODAY 08-06-12] Canadian satellite company Com Dev’s U.S. subsidiary Com Dev USA has received a $5 million follow-on contract from Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems to provide flight equipment, filters, multiplexers and ferrite devices for the WGS-10 satellite, Com Dev USA announced Aug. 3.
Com Dev USA previously delivered hardware for six WGS satellites and is in production on WGS-7, -8 and -9. The company will complete work on the WGS-10 contract at its California-based facility.
“We have been a member of the WGS team since the inception of the program and we are very pleased to maintain that status,” Com Dev USA President Dan White said in a statement. “I believe the ongoing strength of our relationship with Boeing demonstrates the ability of our team to consistently deliver a full range of passive microwave equipment, on schedule, with the highest standards of quality and reliability.”
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