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[Satellite TODAY 07-12-10] Inmarsat has signed a partnership agreement with technology developer GateHouse for the two companies to create a development program to enhance the BGAN Software Defined Radio (SDR) waveform originally developed by GateHouse, Inmarsat announced July 9.
The mobile satellite company said the partnership is an effort to deliver the complete BGAN SDR waveform to the U.S. Department of Defense’s Joint Tactical Radio System program in compliance with its software communications architecture framework.
BGAN SDR aims to establish on-the-move broadband satellite communications that are beyond-line-of-sight for military forces engaged in remote regions where BGAN currently is the only viable option.
“The technology has proven mature and will significantly reduce development efforts and allow both military and commercial radio and terminal manufacturers to quickly bring unique communications solutions to the market,“ GateHouse CEO Michael Bondo Andersen said in a statement.
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