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[Satellite TODAY 07-09-10] Comtech Mobile Datacom Corp. received a $22.2 million order for mobile satellite data communications transceivers under its $384 million Blue Force Tracking (BFT) IDIQ program contract with the U.S. Army, the company announced July 8.
Comtech will supply its Model MT-2011 mobile satellite ground transceiver and its AVX-06 aviation transceiver to support the Army’s Force 21 Battle Command Brigade and Below–Blue Force Tracking (FBCB2-BFT) program, a battle command real-time situational awareness and control system.
Comtech President and CEO Fred Kornberg said the order shows the Army’s confidence in the company’s technology as it awaits the Pentagon’s decision on the Blue Force Tracking 2 contract, expected sometime this summer. “With the anticipated transition of BFT to the next-generation BFT-2 solution, we believe that our unique ability to seamlessly enable this transition provides important value to the BFT program by eliminating the risk of network disruption while minimizing the costs of operating two different networks during a challenging budget environment,” Kornberg said in a statement,
The new award increases Comtech’s total order value against the BFT IDIQ contract to $262.7 million.
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