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[Satellite TODAY 03-01-13] Russian pay-TV operator Orion Express has announced plans to create a Hotbird-style satellite hotspot for Russia at the 85 degrees east orbital position. The company is the anchor tenant at the position, which is currently occupied by the Intelsat-15 and Horizon 2 satellites.
Orion Express is looking at serving as the core for a wider media platform using the two satellites’ spare capacity. The slot could work alongside the existing 80 degrees east slot – where new Express satellites will offer capacity – and the 90 degrees east position occupied by Gazprom’s Yamal satellites. Orion Express was originally forced to move to the 85 degrees east position after the failure of the Express AM2 satellite at 80 degrees east.
The company has stated it is prepared to offer technical support, including uplink services, to third-party broadcasters looking to expand their coverage of the region.
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