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[Satellite TODAY 08-02-12] Norsat International has met in-field testing criteria of the NATO Communications and Information (NCI) agency and has been granted final acceptance for its dual Ku- and X-band portable satellite terminals, the Canadian satellite technology company announced Aug. 1.
Norsat won a $1.3 million contract to provide satellite-based communications equipment and services for the NCI agency in August 2011, and has designed portable satellite terminals that are customized to meet specifications.
Norsat President and CEO Amiee Chan said her company’s Dual-Band Auto-acquisition Rapid-deployable Terminals (DART+) are now an integral part of the NCI Agency program and have been deployed in active combat areas since January 2012, providing data, voice and telecommunications.
“Norsat worked exclusively with NATO to design and develop the innovative DART+ product, which now meets the challenging requirements of the NCI Agency. The end result is a fit for purpose terminal, which is currently used to provide valuable communications in theatre,” Chan said in a statement.
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