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[Satellite TODAY 07-11-12] Gilat Satellite Networks has been selected by Cable & Wireless Panama (C&W) to provide a SkyEdge 2 broadband network that will be used to deliver broadband Internet and telephony connectivity nationwide, Gilat announced July 10.

   The contracted network expansion includes solar powered VSATs as well as installation, maintenance and operation of the SkyEdge 2 hub equipment and voice-over-IP gateways. The solar-powered solution will be supported by new outbound capacity from Telesat’s TelStar 11N.
   C&W first partnered with Gilat in 2005. The joint effort aimed to provide satellite-based services utilizing Gilat’s SkyEdge and SkyEdge 2 products to more than 1,300 sites now in operation.
   “Our decision to select Gilat once again to support us in our endeavor to provide a robust satellite network in Panama is a clear vote of our confidence in their tremendous track record with C&W over the years,” C&W CEO Jorge Nicolau said in a statement. “Gilat’s ability to provide a bandwidth efficient, end-to-end solution, coupled with their support to operate the central hub activities, has allowed us to ensure that broadband connectivity, even at the most remote locations, is of the highest quality and reliability for our customers.”

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