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[Satellite TODAY 06-07-12] SkyVision Global Networks has been contracted by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to provide its SkyVision Optimize product as a VSAT solution for its global network, Sky Vision announced June 7.
SkyVision Optimize offers dedicated capacity from SkyVision VSAT hubs to allow flexibility and control over customers’ own networks. CRS will use the product to manage bandwidth for its network spanning over 20 global sites from one head office.
“This project proved our ability to meet the needs of a large cross-regional network, and highlighted the versatility of SkyVision Optimize,” SkyVision CEO Doron Ben Sira said in a statement. “Despite the complexity of this project, we were able to provide a cost efficient, easy-to-use solution that ensures a high quality of service and meet CRS’ demands to the bit.”
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