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[Satellite TODAY 05-05-12] Danish technology developer Craftwork has launched off-the-shelf software solutions that enable device manufacturers to rapidly develop and launch new SAT-over-IP devices, the company announced May 4.
Craftwork is an original co-author of the SAT-over-IP standard. The company said its partners would gain access to pre-developed server and client solution and have the option to utilize its services for integration and approval of SAT-over-IP products. Craftwork also demonstrated its SAT-over-IP server and client products at last week’s Industry Days event sponsored by FSS operator SES.
“Having worked on SAT-over-IP developments for the last two years, Craftwork is in a unique position to help bring these devices to market,” Craftwork Spokesman Greg Pannell said in a statement. “Craftwork has played a primary role in bringing SAT-over-IP to the industry, now we will ensure its success by enabling manufacturers to bring great products to market through working with the SAT-over-IP software experts.”
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