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[Satellite TODAY 04-30-12] SES has introduced a new IP-based satellite reception technology that demodulates and converts satellite signals to IP for further in-home distribution to any IP-enabled device, the operator announced April 27.
SES said it developed the SAT-IP communications protocol as a new standard for satellite in-home distribution that is open to all manufacturers. The protocol aims to allow these companies to develop a neutral environment for transmission of satellite programming to IP-enabled devices such as tablets, PCs, laptops, smartphones, Connected TVs, game consoles and media players.
“We see how consumers are increasingly complementing their TV viewing experience with alternative devices. With SAT-IP, we put ourselves at the top of the trend and ensure that viewers can watch satellite TV potentially on any IP-based device at home and with an unrivalled flexibility when they move around,” SES Vice President of Reception Systems Thomas Wrede said in a statement. “With SAT-IP, we also give an important impulse to the industry, creating an open standard that allows manufacturers to realize innovative distribution solutions."
The first SAT-IP-based products are scheduled for release later this year.
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