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[Satellite TODAY 01-20-12] LightSquared has entered into a wholesale agreement with Jolt Mobile, a full service prepaid wireless solution provider that will now offer high-speed wireless services using LightSquared’s 4G-LTE network, the companies confirmed Jan. 19. The deal represents LightSquared’s 38th wholesale customer partnership.
Jolt Mobile said that its customers would now have the option of adding LightSquared-powered mobile data to their service plans. Jolt Mobile also is planning to use the LightSquared network to expand its business by offering Internet solutions to small- and medium-sized businesses.
“LightSquared’s state-of-the-art network and wholesale business model will allow us to enhance our competitive position by offering these services at highly affordable rates, and also explore opportunities in new market segments,” Jolt Mobile President Avi Yroshalmaine said in a statement.
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