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[Satellite TODAY 12-02-11] Eutelsat has unveiled a new system for naming its satellites which will see them named around the Eutelsat brand. Starting in March 2012, Eutelsat’s satellites will take the Eutelsat name associated with the relevant figure for their orbital position and a letter indicating their order of arrival at that position.
For example, Eutelsat’s W6 satellite, which is at the 21.5 degrees East orbital location, will become Eutelsat 21A. Its Atlantic Bird 2 satellite will become Eutelsat 8 West A. The same pattern will also apply to Ka-Sat.
“Associating the names of our satellites with our group name and its heritage reflect this vision and mission. As we continue our push for further in-orbit expansion, with six satellites to be launched from 2012 to 2014, this new naming program will enhance the awareness and understanding of our commercial offer,” Eutelsat’s COO, Andrew Wallace said in a statement.
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