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[Satellite TODAY 10-21-11] Fixed-site remote communications solutions provider Stratos Global has introduced StratosMAX 2 Nomadic — a new version of its StratosMAX 2 broadband service offered via its microwave network, the company announced Oct. 20.
   Stratos said it would target the solution to the offshore energy community in the Gulf of Mexico region. The new StratosMAX 2 Nomadic service aims to enable companies in the region to expand their corporate networks to their mobile operations with higher speed connections and lower latency times.
   A second version of the service also being released, StratosMAX 2 Nomadic Vessel, can be permanently mounted on mobile oilrigs or lift boats that move from location to location to support workboats operated by companies serving the oil and gas community.
   “Energy producers on-the-move are demanding levels of broadband performance and reliability similar to what is available to fixed sites. With this new service, these companies now have ultimate flexibility to expand their networks and to reap all the benefits of high-speed Internet connectivity, Wi-Fi service, corporate video conferencing, telemedicine and other bandwidth-intensive applications,” Stratos Vice President of Global Sales Gerbrand Schalkwijk said in a statement.

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