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[Satellite TODAY 10-12-11] OnAir has entered into an agreement with TriaGnoSys to co-develop and offer a one-stop-shop inflight mobile service for business jets, the companies announced Oct. 11.
OnAir said the solution would be fitted on Dasnair’s Falcon 7X aircraft, which was released in May, with a number of undisclosed customers to start installation in the coming months.
The mobile phone solution uses Inmarsat’s SwiftBroadband service to provide global coverage, as well as an upgrade path to Global Xpress, Inmarsat’s upcoming global Ka-band solution.
“We have subjected the complete solution to rigorous testing, both in the lab and over satellite, resulting in a fully integrated turnkey system that can be installed on any aircraft type. It allows passengers to use their mobile devices for calls, text messaging, email and to access the Internet,” OnAir CEO Ian Dawkings said in a statement.
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