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[Satellite TODAY 08-04-11] Commercial satellite manufacturer Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) has expanded its senior management team, the company announced Aug. 3.
SS/L promoted David Bernstein to the role of senior vice president of program management and appointed Paul Estey as its new senior vice president of engineering, manufacturing and test operations.
Bernstein previously served as SS/L’s senior executive director for the company’s SES programs. Estey replaces Christian Goodman, who retired from the company at the end of July. Estey previously served as SS/L’s executive director of Bus Subsystems Operations.
SS/L President John Celli said the moves were made to accommodate expected growth and to separate SS/L’s Program Management organization from its previously combined organization with Systems Engineering. “Chris Hoeber, who previously managed the combined organization, will now focus his efforts on the expanded Systems Engineering, Research and Development, and Advanced Programs organizations,” Celli said in a statement.
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