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[Satellite TODAY 08-01-11] Mobile satellite voice provider Globalstar has accepted Peter Dalton’s request to retire from his CEO and executive board positions, the company announced July 29.
Globalstar Executive Chairman and former CEO Jay Monroe will immediately resume his operational role as CEO on an interim basis. Dalton will remain as a special advisor to the interim CEO to assist with transition issues through Sept. 1 while Globalstar searches for a permanent replacement.
Dalton served as a director of Globalstar since 2004 and served as CEO since July 2009. He previously served as the chair of the company’s audit committee. As CEO, Dalton initiated and completed the relocation of Globalstar’s corporate headquarters from Silicon Valley, Calif. to Louisiana and rebuilt its executive management team.
Monroe has held his executive chairman position since Thermo Capital Partners purchased Globalstar’s assets in April 2004.
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