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[Satellite TODAY 07-29-11] Vizada will be one of the first Inmarsat distribution partners to provide Inmarsat’s new FleetPhone maritime handset with email and data transfer capabilities, the re-seller confirmed July 28.
Vizada will optimize the phone’s data capabilities by adapting several of their value-added solutions to the unit including SkyFile Mail, Universal Card and Satellite Direct. Inmarsat previously announced that the launch of their new entry-level voice FleetPhone service would take place by the end of July.
“Our Vizada Solutions have been specially developed for FleetPhone compatibility. Universal Card can be used jointly with the handset in order to control prepaid calling for captain and crew. Business tools and resources like The Source allow for monitoring SIM card traffic and other web management. The SkyFile Mail messaging system enables e-mail compression as well as anti-virus protection and spam filter capabilities,” Vizada said in a company statement.
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