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[Satellite TODAY 07-20-11] Station711, the mobile satellite division of RRsat Global Communications Network, has launched Inmarsat IsatPhone Link commercial services to various enterprise markets, Station711 announced July 19.
The company said it would target the email and low-speed data services to utilities, NGOs and remote areas where a stable connection is required for single or multiple users.
Inmarsat’s design and manufacturing partner Beam Communications has created two IsatPhone Link products that Station711 will be offering its customers — Terra 400 and Terra 800. Both products feature a dedicated RJ11/POTS interface for corded or cordless handsets and integration with PABX, with data access provided via USB.
“Allowing a low-cost fixed connectivity option will serve those remote sites and communities with ongoing communications. With the additional option of integrating the service into a PABX and the ability to deploy it as a pay-phone solution, it broadens the market for both single and multiple users,” Station711 Senior Director Zvika Nave said in a statement.
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