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[Satellite TODAY 06-22-11] Ukrainian telecommunications operator Datagroup signed an agreement with Eutelsat’s broadband affiliate Skylogic to deliver broadband solutions to consumers and enterprises in the Ukraine, Skylogic announced June 20.
Skylogic’s Ukrainian service portfolio will include Eutelsat’s Tooway broadband delivered from the operator’s Ka-Sat satellite.
Starting in September, Datagroup will launch consumer broadband enabling users to receive an “always-on” satellite service, with speeds of up to 10 Mbps downstream and 4 Mbps upstream. The customer equipment comprises a small satellite dish and a modem.
Satellite broadband via Ka-Sat also will be deployed by Datagroup for the “School Internet” program initiated in September 2010 by the Kiev Regional State Administration. “As the majority of schools in the Kiev region are located too far from terrestrial networks, their Internet connectivity will be provided by satellite using the Tooway service to offer students and teachers the benefits of high-speed and high-quality Internet access,” Datagroup said in a company statement.
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