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[Satellite TODAY 06-13-11] Norsat International was issued a $3.5 million satellite-based communications network and services contract from the First Nations’ Emergency Services Society of British Columbia (FNESS), the company announced June 10.
Norsat will provide hardware, services and enhanced broadband access to more than 2,700 residents living in remote communities in British Columbia. The Canadian government is funding the project under the country’s National Satellite Initiative, with financial contribution from Norsat and FNESS working in collaboration with the First Nations Technology Council.
“We look forward to contributing and providing broadband connectively to the First Nations communities and helping to improve access to education, training, health service and greater emergency communications … This contract is a significant win for the company as it demonstrates our penetration into Canadian remote and austere environments and one that we believe could provide further traction in other Canadian markets,” Norsat CEO Aimee Chan said in a statement.
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