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[Satellite TODAY 05-04-11] Telenor Satellite Broadcasting (TSBc) has leased IS 10-02 Spot 1 capacity from its 1 degree West orbital location to Elektrikom, TSBc announced May 3.
    Elektrikom will use the capacity to manage and deliver maritime VSAT services to oil, gas and cruising vessels throughout Europe. The company said the capacity is specifically crucial for its business in the Mediterranean Sea, where capacity to support additional broadband communication services was in high-demand by the crews of its customer vessels.
    “The 1 degree West orbital slot has a strong tradition within the maritime industry for the provision of maritime VSAT services, specifically in Northern Europe. With our next satellite, Thor 7, due to commence commercial service in 2014, TSBc can now provide an expansion path for our maritime customers and support the increased types of services demanded by offshore communities,” TSBc Sales Director Michael Carter said in a statement.

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