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[Satellite TODAY 04-21-11] Integrated hybrid network operator LightSquared will provide 4G-LTE services and satellite coverage over unserved areas to SI Wireless customers in Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee as the result of a bilateral agreement signed by the two companies, LightSquared announced April 21.
The agreement will see LightSquared utilize 3G-CDMA/EVDO technologies to provide SI Wireless subscribers with a nationwide 4G-LTE footprint while expanding LightSquared’s data coverage to additional rural communities in the SI Wireless coverage area.
"We understand that subscribers of Tier 2 and 3 carriers expect access to the most advanced technology nationwide and LightSquared’s business model is completely aligned with the coverage and capacity needs of rural operators, allowing them to compete with their larger competitors," SI Wireless CEO Terry Addington said in a statement.
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