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[Satellite TODAY 04-21-11] Mobile and fixed-site remote communications provider Stratos Global is offering its recently released AmosConnect 8.2 communications application on its Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro satellite phone handsets, Stratos announced April 20.
AmosConnect 8.2 offers compression capabilities that aim to increase the speed of the IsatPhone’s circuit-switched global data stream from 2.4 kbps to more than 20 kbps for certain file types.
While AmosConnect 8.2 integrates with other broadband IP-based maritime satellite services such as FleetBroadband, Iridium OpenPort, VSAT and StratosITek, Stratos customized the application primarily for the IsatPhone Pro. “The AmosConnect 8.2 portal brings all ship-relevant data to one central information page. The sending of reports and the receipt of weather updates and company news can be achieved within the same interface. This functionality greatly reduces implementation and support time and ensures optimal communications performance and cost efficiency,” Stratos CEO Jim Parm said in a statement.
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