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[Satellite TODAY 03-31-11] Hughes Network Systems signed a distribution agreement with NextAlarm Monitoring Services to offer NextAlarm’s complete line of burglary and fire protection products to HughesNet subscribers, the satellite service provider announced March 30.
    Hughes will distribute NextAlarm’s wireless security cameras, wireless alarm systems and broadband adapters that allow security systems to communicate over the Internet. To support the contract, NextAlarm custom-designed a communication protocol that allows its wireless alarm system to be monitored directly over a HughesNet satellite Internet connection. Hughes said the protocol is exclusive HughesNet, making the combination the only way to achieve monitored security over satellite with a mass-market solution.
    "We have a history of innovation in this industry, especially in the field of keeping costs low with a high number of features. We are proud to be the only alarm company that offers service to consumers over satellite," NextAlarm CEO Alex Elliot said in a statement.

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