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[Satellite TODAY 03-17-11] iDirect has added SCPC return channel capability to its IP satellite communications platform, bringing TDMA and SCPC technology to the same product, the manufacturer announced March 15.
The company said it developed the SCPC return channel to equip service providers with flexibility to support dynamic customer networks and enable them to capture new revenue opportunities and lower operational costs. The company will release the capability through its iDX 3.0 software platform to enable service providers to manage TDMA and SCPC networks over the same product.
In a statement, iDirect CTO Dave Bettinger said that the SCPC return channel capability is valuable for applications such as file transfer, data backup and HD video as well as seasonal bandwidth requirements common to maritime, oil and gas, and other markets. “Bringing TDMA and SCPC together is an industry breakthrough that for the first time ever enables service providers to offer both dedicated and shared service on a single intelligent platform. This will improve the profitability and relevance of their offerings and enable them to optimize the efficiency of their operations.”
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